Expert workshop: Alcohol-to-Jet for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)

Expert workshop: Alcohol-to-Jet for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)
16th December 2022 Sandra Zirm






What chances will “SAF made in Germany” have in the future? How can alcohol-to-jet (AtJ) fuels be produced sustainably and contribute to the defossilisation of aviation?

These questions will be discussed with experts from business, politics, research, associations and authorities on 12 January 2023 at the Hessian State Representation in Berlin. Important aspects have yet to be clarified in order to produce the Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ) process and thus Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in Germany. These include in particular the type, origin and availability of biomass as well as binding EU regulations.

As a company, we are pleased about the invitation from the organisers CENA Hessen and Aireg (Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V.) and the opportunity to share experiences we have gained so far in our SAF investment project at the Haltermann Carless production site in Speyer. We are looking forward to a lively exchange with the experts on how to realise urgently needed large volumes of “SAF made in Germany” in a timely manner, with true impact on defossilisation of aviation and with waste based biomass feedstocks fully supporting the aspirations of EU Fit-for-55 and Refuel EU.

The conference will address the questions of how AtJ fuels can be sustainably produced in Germany, how this technology can contribute to the defossilisation of aviation, and what regulatory and other hurdles and obstacles currently exist for their production and use in Germany. In addition to a market overview of SAF production paths and cost aspects, practical experience will be presented.

In the Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ) process, biogenic waste and residual materials are converted into CO2-neutral fuels. In particular, the type and origin of the biomass as well as its availability play a decisive role in the sustainability and also the costs of the end product.


Date: January 12 2023
Location: Berlin
Time: 10.00 – 15.00 h


10:00 Start of the event
10:30 Welcome and introduction
Bernhard Dietrich, Head of CENA Hessen / Melanie Form, Managing Director, Aireg / Regine Barth, Head of Staff Unit Aircraft Noise Protection and Sustainable Air Transport Economics, HMWEVW
10:40 „From biomass to aircraft“ – Manufacturing process AtJ
Dr. Arne Roth, Head of Innovation Field Sustainable Catalytic Processes, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB
11:00 SAF and AtJ-PRoducts – Market- and cost overview
Dr. Henrik von Storch, Team Lead Clean Operations, DHL
11:30 AtJ-SAF in competition with other bio-based products and energy sources
Dr.-Ing. Franziska Müller-Langer, DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH
12:00 Break
13:00 Sustainable aviation fuel – Made in Germany: “Amelia” investment project of the HCS Group – success factors and challenges
Dr. Harald Dialer, HCS Group
13:30 “Fuel transition in international aviation” – Status of regulation and remaining challenges with sustainable resources in biomass-based fuels
Falk Heinen, Head of Technical Transport and Fuels Unit, BMUV
14:00 Panel discussion
BMUV / DBFZ / NGO / Industry Experts
15:00 End




About CENA

CENA stands for Centre of Competence for Climate, Environment and Noise Protection in Aviation. In the German state of Hesse, aviation plays a special and central role with the Frankfurt airport hub. The Hessian state government has therefore established CENA to secure the future of sustainable flying with innovative ideas. At CENA, we connect interested stakeholders and help realise innovative projects. CENA works on topics such as CO2 -neutral flying, alternative fuels (Sustainable Aviation Fuels, SAF) and technologies for noise and environmental protection in aviation. More information:


About Aireg

The initiative for aviation fuels from renewable energies aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. – combines commitment, know-how and many years of experience from industry, business and science in the field of German aviation. The aim of aireg is to promote research, production and use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) in Germany: by 2030 SAF should account for 10 % of the aviation fuel used throughout Europe. aireg – Competence Centre for Renewable Aviation Fuels in Germany. More information:


About HCS Group

HCS Group is a leading international supplier of high-value hydrocarbon solutions in Mobility, Life Science, Industrial and Energy. With access to renewable resources from strategic partners, the company drives the development of sustainable products making a contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the supply chain. HCS Group includes the brands Haltermann Carless, ETS Racing Fuels and Electrical Oil Services (EOS) and employs 500 employees. Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, the company belongs to H.I.G. Europe, a subsidiary of the US private equity company H.I.G. Capital. More information:


Media Contact:

Sandra Zirm
HCS Group GmbH
Edmund-Rumpler-Str. 3
60549 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
+49 69 695 386-117